
You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Start Podcasting

One of the biggest things that holds people back from starting a podcast is this misconception that they have to be perfect before they can release their first episode. 

That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, if you wait until you’re perfect, you might never start.

Don’t worry about the fact that your first episodes are not going to be polished. Commit to just three episodes and just give it a try. You really might hate podcasting and that’s totally okay.

But, that’s what I love about creativity… I always say everything is an iceberg. Everything is an iceberg. There’s so many layers of what you think you want to do.

There’s so many layers in becoming an influencer, or becoming a manager, or a leader. There’s so many other pieces that we have to consider and we don’t know because we’ve never been in that situation. If you’ve never done a podcast from the outside looking in, you think, “Oh, it looks easy. I just have to get on the microphone and say some things and put it up.”

Then you’re like, “Oh my gosh, who hosts this thing? How do I do it?”

If you get into the weeds of it all, then you’re not going to do it. But this is why I always love reminding people of what’s your MVP. What’s the minimum viable product?

What is the minimum that I need to do in order to get this podcast out there? 

Fortunately, there are places like to start podcasting where you can get your first podcast episode up for free. Like that’s all you have to do. You start your podcast there, and then you start to learn. Then you start to be part of that podcasting community and you start to meet other podcasters and you learn new things.

And that’s what I love about communities like this. This is why it’s so important for us to be connected with other people that are doing this kind of work. So that’s what we have to think about when we, when, especially when we’re first starting.